AS standards pdf list

AS standards pdf list

Standards Australia is an independent, not-for-profit organization recognized by the Australian Government as the peak non-government Standards body in Australia. The organization develops internationally aligned Australian Standards that enhance the nation's economic efficiency, international competitiveness and contribution to community demand for a safe and sustainable environment. Standards Australia is the Australian member of ISO and IEC.

AS 19880.1:2023

AS 19880.1:2023

Gaseous hydrogen - Fuelling stations, Part 1: General requirements (ISO 19880-1:2020, MOD)

$87.00 $174.27

AS ISO/IEC 27036.1:2023

AS ISO/IEC 27036.1:2023

Cybersecurity - Supplier relationships, Part 1: Overview and concepts

$29.00 $59.55

AS ISO 15189:2023

AS ISO 15189:2023

Medical laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence

$65.00 $131.17

AS 60068.2.11:2023

AS 60068.2.11:2023

Environmental testing, Part 2.11: Tests - Test Ka: Salt mist (IEC 60068-2-11:2021 (ED. 4.0) MOD)

$29.00 $59.55

AS ISO 25550:2023

AS ISO 25550:2023

Ageing societies - General requirements and guidelines for an age-inclusive workforce

$57.00 $115.64

AS ISO 19014.2:2023

AS ISO 19014.2:2023

Earth-moving machinery - Functional safety, Part 2: Design and evaluation of hardware and architecture requirements for safety-related parts of the control system

$57.00 $115.64

AS 3786:2023

AS 3786:2023

Smoke alarms using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization (ISO 12239:2021, MOD)

$63.00 $127.35

AS ISO 5167.1:2023

AS ISO 5167.1:2023

Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full, Part 1: General principles and requirements

$57.00 $115.64

AS EN 50052:2023

AS EN 50052:2023

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Gas-filled cast aluminium alloy enclosures

$40.00 $80.70

AS 3580.4.1:2023

AS 3580.4.1:2023

Methods of sampling and analysis of ambient air, Method 4.1: Determination of sulfur dioxide - Direct reading instrumental method

$29.00 $59.55

AS ISO/ASTM 52950:2023

AS ISO/ASTM 52950:2023

Additive manufacturing - General principles - Overview of data processing

$29.00 $59.55

AS 60068.2.14:2023

AS 60068.2.14:2023

Environmental testing, Part 2.14: Tests - Test N: Change of temperature (IEC 60068-2-14:2009 (ED. 6.0) MOD)

$29.00 $59.55

Showing 1 to 12 of 17993 (1500 Pages)