NACE standards pdf list

NACE standards pdf list

Formerly the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, NACE International represents members from 92 countries and is the largest organization in the world dedicated to the study of corrosion. NACE works to protect people, infrastructure, the environment, and the economy from the effects of corrosion by promoting engineering and research. Approximately 100 standards cover subjects such as laboratory corrosion testing, corrosion prevention and blast cleaning.

NACE RP0170-2004

NACE RP0170-2004

Protection of Austenitic Stainless Steels and Other Austenitic Alloys from Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking During Shutdown of Refinery Equipment

$89.00 $179.00

NACE 01104

NACE 01104

Electrochemical Realkalization of Steel-Reinforced Concrete - A State-of-the-Art Report

$89.00 $179.00

NACE RP0204-2004

NACE RP0204-2004

Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Direct Assessment Methodology

$89.00 $179.00

NACE RP0199-04

NACE RP0199-04

Installation of Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel and Nickel-Alloy Roll-Bonded and Explosion-Bonded Clad Plate in Air Pollution Control Equipment

$89.00 $179.00

NACE TM0104-2004

NACE TM0104-2004

Offshore Platform Ballast Water Tank Coating System Evaluation

$89.00 $179.00

NACE RP0288-94 (R2004)

NACE RP0288-94 (R2004)

Standard Recommended Practice - Inspection of Linings on Steel and Concrete

$89.00 $179.00

NACE RP0399-99 (R2004)

NACE RP0399-99 (R2004)

Plant-Applied, External Coal Jar Enamel Pipe Coating System: Application, Performance, and Quality Control-Item

$89.00 $179.00

NACE RP0281-2004

NACE RP0281-2004

Standard Recommended Practice - Method for Conducting Coating (Paint) Panel Evaluation Testing in Atmospheric Exposures

$89.00 $179.00

NACE TM0198-2004

NACE TM0198-2004

Slow Strain Rate Test Method for Screening Corrosion Resistant Alloys (CRAs) for Stress Corrosion Cracking in Sour Oilfield Service

$89.00 $179.00

NACE TM0404-2004

NACE TM0404-2004

Offshore Platform Atmospheric and Splash Zone New Construction Coating System Evaluation

$89.00 $179.00

NACE RP0297-97 (R2004)

NACE RP0297-97 (R2004)

Maintenance Painting of Electrical Substation Apparatus Including Flow Coating of Transformer Radiators

$89.00 $179.00

NACE RP0497-97 (R2004)

NACE RP0497-97 (R2004)

Field Corrosion Evaluation Using Metallic Test Specimens

$89.00 $179.00

Showing 421 to 432 of 704 (59 Pages)