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We helps you stay connected to essential industry codes and standards from around the world. This streamlines your quality and compliance processes through the commercialization phase of the intellectual property (IP) lifecycle.
Our standards and data management tools help you maintain national and international compliance. Access markets quicker and easier with better and safer products and services.
Whether you need to purchase individual standards, monitor document changes or manage complex projects across your entire organization, we lets you make smarter and speedier decisions.
Our customers
We serves those who invent, build, test and maintain practically everything on which the world depends. Our customers are engineers, librarians and technical experts in a broad range of disciplines, including research and design, testing and inspection, and maintenance and service, across a range of industries, including:
Enterprise’s standards-management platform is a smart, quick and easy way to access vital standards and related documents. Our standards platform offers flexible administrative control and ensures security and compliance – allowing you to focus on your strategic goals and optimize your competitive advantage.