Prepared by the Compaction Grouting Standard Committee of the Geo-Institute of ASCE
This revision of the Compaction Grouting Consensus Guide, ASCE/G-I 53-19, focuses on the practical and engineering aspects of compaction grouting as a technique of ground improvement. Compaction grouting increases the density, strength, and stiffness of the ground through slow, controlled injections of low-mobility grout that compacts the soil as the grout mass expands. The technology can be applied to a wide range of soils, in most cases being used to improve the engineering properties of poorly compacted fills and loose native soils. Compaction grouting can be applied equally well above or below the water table.
Sections on monitoring and verification have been expanded with new technology-driven content covering both sensitive and routine structures. The material describes automated monitoring of grout injection and ground and structure movements, additions to the finite analysis and soil mechanical verifications, and data processing and field practices to implement the technology.
This standard promotes good practice in compaction grouting and is essential reading for those involved in specifying, designing, or undertaking compaction grouting.
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