• ATIS 0300077

ATIS 0300077

555 Technical Service Interconnection Agreements

The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, 01/01/2015

Publisher: ATIS

File Format: PDF




This document identifies potential technical service interconnection arrangements and dialing plans that could be used by providers of services using 555 line numbers. This document complements the existing 555 NXX Assignment Guidelines, (INC94-0429-002 Rev. 1). For each potential technical service interconnection arrangement, the elements required to provide services using 555 line numbers are described. The need for transferring end-user billing and dialing information to the designated carrier or the service provider is detailed to the extent possible for each potential technical service interconnection arrangement. Several basic national uniform technical service interconnection arrangements will allow both access providers and information providers to plan more effectively the ubiquitous deployment of services.

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