• ATIS 0410002-0026.1

ATIS 0410002-0026.1

Unified Ordering Model- Access Service Request UOM-ASR Volume II - Analysis

The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, 07/01/2015

Publisher: ATIS

File Format: PDF




The Unified Ordering Model (UOM) describes a complete set of system documentation using an end-to-end structured methodology. The scope of UOM encompasses business requirements, analysis, design and implementation. Logically, these components are defined within the UOM in four volumes. Volume II is an analysis of the requirements to define "what" the proposed technical resolution needs to support. It is a logical view of the proposed solution, which meets the business need, and it is not based on any particular software protocol. PLEASE NOTE: The ATIS Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) Access Service Ordering (ASO) Subcommittee recently identified an error(s) in the publication. Version 26.1 contains the correctly updated diagram for Section 6.5.1 which renames the existing EVC_VCNUM attribute to VCNUM.

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