• ATIS 0410002-0036

ATIS 0410002-0036

Unified Ordering Model (UOM) Volume II - Analysis - For Access Service Ordering Guidelines (ASOG)

The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, 03/01/2020

Publisher: ATIS

File Format: PDF



***Based on the consensus of the OBF ASO Committee, the delay of the implementation of ASOG V60 (due to COVID-19) has been rescheduled for September 19, 2020. ASOG V60 will be implemented concurrently with ASOG V61 on this date. OBF ASO will be closely be monitoring ongoing risk assessment with these releases until their implementation***

The Unified Ordering Model (UOM) describes a complete set of system documentation using an end-to-end structured methodology. The scope of UOM encompasses business requirements, analysis, design and implementation. Logically, these components are defined within the UOM in four volumes. Volume II is an analysis of the requirements to define "what" the proposed technical resolution needs to support. It is a logical view of the proposed solution, which meets the business need, and it is not based on any particular software protocol. Release of UOM-ASR Volume II, Version 37 is anticipated for September 2020.

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