• BS 00/120623 DC

BS 00/120623 DC

ISO/CD 18280. Epoxide resins. Definitions and test methods

BSI Group, 02/01/2000

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
ISO 1523:1983
ISO 1675:1985
ISO 2555:1989
ISO 2592:1973
ISO 3001:1997
ISO 3146:1985
ISO 3219:1993
ISO 3451:1989
ISO 3521:1997
ISO 3251
ISO 3675:1993
ISO 4573:1978
ISO 4583
ISO 4615
ISO 4630:1997
DIS 4895:1996
ISO 5661
ISO 6271:1997
ISO 7327:1994
ISO 9702:1996
ISO 11376:1997
ISO 12058:1997
ISO 13651:1996

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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