• BS 02/714212 DC

BS 02/714212 DC

IEC 62271-202. Ed.1. High voltage / low voltage prefabricated substations

BSI Group, 12/23/2002

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: IEC 60050-151*IEC 60050-441*IEC 60068-2-62 *IEC 60076-1*IEC 60076-2*IEC 60076-5*IEC 60243-1*IEC 60298*IEC 60354*IEC 60364-4-41 *IEC 60439-1*IEC 60466*IEC 60529*IEC 60551*IEC 60664-1*IEC 60694*IEC 60695-11-10 *IEC 60724*IEC 60726*IEC 60905*IEC 60947-1*IEC 61180-1*IEC 61641*ISO/IEC Guide 51 *

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