• BS 03/117128 DC

BS 03/117128 DC

EN 1486. Protective clothing for firefighters. Test methods and requirements for reflective clothing for specialised fire-fighting

BSI Group, 12/15/2003

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
EN 340:1993
EN 345-1:1992
EN 345-2:1996
EN 367:1992
EN 397:1995
EN 407:1994
EN 420:1994
EN 443:1997
EN 702:1994
EN ISO 6942:2002
EN ISO 15025:2002
EN 20811:1992
EN 24920:1992
EN 25077:1993
ISO 5077:1984
ISO 1421:1998
ISO 3175-2:1998
ISO 4674:1977
ISO 6330:2000
ISO 13934-1:1999
ISO 13934-2:1999
ISO 13938-2:1999
ISO 17493:2000
EN 469
EN 531
ISO 15384

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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