• BS 03/317246 DC

BS 03/317246 DC

ISO 2081. Metallic coatings. Electroplated coatings of zinc with supplementary treatments on iron or steel

BSI Group, 10/14/2003

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
ISO 4042
EN 12508
ISO 1461
EN 573-3
EN 1706
CR 13388
prEN 10088-1
ISO 1463
ISO 2064
ISO 2080
ISO 2177
ISO 2178
ISO 2819
ISO 3497
ISO 3543
ISO 3613
ISO 3892
ISO 4518
ISO 4519
ISO 9227
ISO 9587
ISO 9588
ISO 10289
ISO 10587
ISO 15724

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