• BS 04/30087610 DC

BS 04/30087610 DC

BS 6100-8. Building and civil engineering. Vocabulary. Part 8. Services

BSI Group, 10/19/2004

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
BS 1179
BS 1846-1:1994
BS 4727-1:1983
BS 4737-1:1986
BS 5900:1999
BS 5965:1980
BS 6068
BS 6953:1998
BS 7801:1995
BS EN 598:1994
BS EN 612:1996
BS EN 736-2:1997
BS EN 752-7:1998
BS EN 1253-1:1999
BS EN 1443:1999
EN 1717:2001
BS EN 12056-2
BS EN 12670
BS EN 12897
BS EN 13151
BS EN ISO 772:2001
BS EN ISO 12543-1:1998
BS ISO 10209-1:1992
ISO 10241:1992
ISO 2145:1978

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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