• BS 04/30112330 DC

BS 04/30112330 DC

IEC 61076-3-113 ED.1. Connectors for electronic equipment. Part 3-113. Screened, serial multi-conductor cable to board connectors suitable for 10 Gbit/sec data rates

BSI Group, 04/14/2004

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
IEC 60512-1:2001
IEC 60512-1-1:2002
IEC 60512-1-2:2002
IEC 60512-2-1:2002
IEC 60512-2-5
IEC 60512-3-1:2002
IEC 60512-4-1
IEC 60512-6-5:2002
IEC 60512-5:1992
IEC 60512-7:1993
IEC 60512-8:1993
IEC 60512-11-4:2002
IEC 60512-11-7:1996
IEC 60512-11-12:2002
IEC 60512-25-1:2001
IEC 60512-25-2:2002
IEC 60512-25-4:2001
IEC 60664-1:2002
IEC 61076-1:1995
IEC 61076-3:1999

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