• BS 04/30114936 DC

BS 04/30114936 DC

EN 50439. Railway applications. Reliability tests for high power semiconductors devices. Part 1. Standard base-plate modules

BSI Group, 06/09/2004

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: CECC 50 000*EN 45545-1*EN 50125-1*EN 50126*EN 50155*EN 50207*EN 60068-2-6*IEC 60068-2-6*EN 60068-2-14*IEC 60068-2-14*EN 60747-15:2003*IEC 60747-15:2003*EN 60749-34:2004 *IEC 60749-34:2004*EN 61373*IEC 61373*CENELEC HD 323.2.3*IEC 60068-2-3*IEC 60050*IEC 60747-1:1983*IEC 60747-2:2000*IEC 60747-6:2000 *IEC 60747-7:2000*IEC 60747-8:2000*IEC 60747-9 *IEC 61287-1:1995*IEC/TS 61287-2:2001*

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