• BS 04/30115503 DC

BS 04/30115503 DC

EN 14986. Design of fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres

BSI Group, 06/23/2004

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: EN 294*EN 414:2000*EN 1050*EN 1070 *EN 1127-1:1997*EN 12874:2001*EN 13463-1*EN 13463-5:2003*prEN 13463-6*prEN 14460*EN 50014*EN 50018*EN 50281-1-2*EN 60079-14*EN 60079-15*EN 60529*EN ISO 12100-1*EN ISO 12100-2*ISO 281*ISO/DIS 1210*prEN 50039*prEN 50154*EN 60335-2-80*IEC 60335-2-80:1997*IEC 60167*ISO 1813*ISO 1925*ISO 1940-1*ISO 2409*ISO 5801*ISO 5802*ISO 9563*ISO 13351*ISO 14695*ISO/IEC 17025*EUROVENT 1/5*EUROVENT 1/8*EUROVENT 1/xyz*EUROVENT 1/xyz *TRAC 201:1990ISO 12499*ISO 13349:1999*ISO 14694:2003*94/9/EC*EN 1710*prEN 13463-2*prEN 13463-3*CEN/WI 00305065*EN 13463-8*prEN 14461*EN 26184-1*EN 26184-2*EN 26184-3*EN 26184-4*EN 50015*EN 50016*EN 50017*EN 50019*EN 50020*EN 50028*

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