• BS 05/30078385 DC

BS 05/30078385 DC

ISO/TR 9824. Hydrometry. Measurement of free surface flow in closed conduits

BSI Group, 03/30/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: ISO 748*ISO 772*ISO 1070*ISO 1100-2 *ISO 1438-1*ISO 2975-1*ISO 4359*ISO 4360 *ISO 4373*ISO 4377*ISO 5167*ISO 6416 *ISO 8368*ISO 9213*ISO 9555-1*ISO 9555-2 *ISO 9555-3*ISO 9555-4*ISO 9826*ISO 11324*ISO/TR 5168*ISO/TS 15768*ISO/TS 15769 *IEC 61000-6-2*EN 50014*

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