• BS 05/30117313 DC

BS 05/30117313 DC

EN 13233. Advanced technical ceramics. Notations and symbols

BSI Group, 05/12/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: ISO 31-1:1992/Amd 1:1998*ISO 31-2:1992/Amd 1:1998 *ISO 31-3:1992/Amd 1:1998*ISO 31-4:1992/Amd 1:1998 *EN 623-1:1995*EN 623-2:1993*EN 623-3:2001 *ENV 623-4:1994*ENV 623-5:2002*EN 658-1:1998 *EN 658-2:2002*EN 658-3:2002*EN 658-4:2003 *EN 658-5:2002*ENV 658-6:1993*EN 725-1:1997 *ENV 725-2:1994*EN 725-3:1994*ENV 725-4:1994 *EN 725-5:1996*EN 725-6:1996*EN 725-7:1996 *EN 725-8:1997*EN 725-9:1997*EN 725-10:1997 *ENV 725-11:1994*EN 725-12:2001*EN 820-1:2002 *EN 820-2:2003*ENV 820-3:1994*ENV 820-4:2002 *EN 821-1:1995*EN 821-2:1997*ENV 821-3:1994 *EN 843-1:1995*ENV 843-2:1996*ENV 843-3:1997 *ENV 843-4:1995*ENV 843-5:1997*ENV 1006:2003 *EN 1007-1:2002*EN 1007-2:2002*EN 1007-3:2002 *ENV 1007-4:1994*EN 1007-5:2003*EN 1071-1:2003 *EN 1071-2:2002*ENV 1071-3:1994*ENV 1071-4:1996 *ENV 1071-5:1995*ENV 1071-6:2002*CEN/TS 1071-2003*EN 1159-1:2003*EN 1159-2:2003*EN 1159-3:2003*EN 1389:2003*ENV 1892:1996*ENV 1893:1996*ENV 1894:1996*ENV 12212:1996*ENV 12289:1996*ENV 12290:1996*EN 12291:2003*ENV 12788:1998*EN 12789:2002*ENV 12923-1:1998*ENV 12923-2:2001*ENV 13233:2000*ENV 13234:2000*ENV 13235:2000*ENV 14186:2002*ENV 14226:2002*ENV 14232:2003*ENV 14273:2002*ENV 14312:2002*CEN/TS 14425-3:2003*

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