• BS 05/30117503 DC

BS 05/30117503 DC

EN 12972. Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods. Testing, inspection and marking of metallic tanks

BSI Group, 04/27/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: EN 287-1:1992*EN 287-2:1992*prEN 287-3:1995 *prEN 287-4:1995*EN 288-1*EN 288-2*EN 288-3*EN 837-2*prEN 12266-1:2003*EN 12561-1 *EN 1432*EN 14025:2003*EN ISO 9606-5:2000*ISO 668*ISO 1496-3*OIML R80*UIC 592-4*

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