• BS 05/30132195 DC

BS 05/30132195 DC

IEC 62056-47 ED 1. Electricity metering. Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control. Part 47. COSEM transport layers for IP networks

BSI Group, 04/14/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: IEC 60050-300:2001*IEC/TR 62051:1999*IEC/TR 62051-1:2004*IEC 62056-46:2002*IEC 62056-46:200X *IEC 62056-53:200X*IEC 62056-62:200X*STD0005 *STD0006*STD0007*RFC 0768*RFC 0791*RFC 0792*RFC 0793*RFC 0919*RFC 0922*RFC 0950*RFC 1112*

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