• BS 05/30133797 DC

BS 05/30133797 DC

BS EN 14582. Characterisation of waste. Hologen and sulfur content. Oxygen combustion in closed systems and determination methods

BSI Group, 05/16/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: prEN 14346*prEN 14899*prEN 15002*EN ISO 3696*ISO 3696:1987*EN ISO 10304-1*ISO 10304-1:1992*EN ISO 10304-2*ISO 10304-2:1995*EN ISO 10304-3*ISO 10304-3:1997*EN ISO 11885*ISO 11885:1996*ISO 9280*ISO 9297*ISO 10359-1 *ASTM E 442-74*ASTM E 443-74*ASTM D 808-81 *EPA 5050*

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