• BS 05/30136043 DC

BS 05/30136043 DC

EN 15282. Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Design of vitreous enamel coated bolted steel tanks for the storage or treatment of water or municipal or industrial effluents

BSI Group, 07/07/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: EN 101*EN 14430*EN 14483-1*EN 14483-2 *EN 14483-3*ISO 2745:1998*ISO 2747*ISO 4530*ISO 4532*ISO 8289*EN 10209*ISO 15686*B117-03*ASTM C501*prEN 1991-4*prEN 1994-4-1*EN 1998-1*prEN 1998-4*ISO 105-J03:1995*EN 10111*EN 10149-1*EN ISO 2178 *ISO 2859-1*ISO 4528*ISO 7724-3*ISO 9001 *ANSI/AWWA D104-01*ASTM A1011*BS 5502-22*BS 5502-50*BS 5395-3*BS 6399-2*BS 6399-3 *BS 7793-1*BS 7793-2*BS 7885*DIN 4119-2 *ANSI/AWWA D103-97*NACE RP018899*WIS 4-25-01:1999*

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