• BS 05/30136339 DC

BS 05/30136339 DC

EN ISO 105-E16. Textiles. Tests for colour fastness. Part E16. Colour fastness to water spotting on upholstery fabrics

BSI Group, 07/13/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: ISO 105-A02*ISO 105-A03*ISO 105-A04*ISO 105-A05*ISO 139*ISO 3696*ISO 105-A01 *ISO 105-E07*ISO 105-J01*ISO 105-J03*

BS 05/30136339 DC history

BS 05/30136339 DC

BS 05/30136339 DC

EN ISO 105-E16. Textiles. Tests for colour fastness. Part E16. Colour fastness to water spotting on upholstery fabrics

$112.00 $224.42

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