• BS 05/30136491 DC

BS 05/30136491 DC

EN 15311. Thermal spraying. Components with thermally sprayed coatings. Technical supply conditions

BSI Group, 07/15/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: EN 473*EN 582*EN 657*EN 1395*EN 13214*EN ISO 4288*ISO 4288:1996*EN ISO 6507-1*ISO 6507-1:1997*EN ISO 6508-1*ISO 6508-1:1999*EN ISO 8503-1*ISO 8503- 1:1988*EN ISO 14918*ISO 14918:1998*EN ISO 14922-1*ISO 14922-1:1999*EN ISO 14922-2*ISO 14922-2:1999*EN ISO 14922-3*ISO 14922-3:1999*EN ISO 14922-4*ISO 14922-4:1999*EN ISO 14923*ISO 14923:2003*EN ISO 14924*ISO 14924:2005*EN 1274*EN 13507 *EN 14616*EN ISO 14919*ISO 14919:2001*EN ISO 14920*ISO 14920:1999*

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