• BS 05/30137978 DC

BS 05/30137978 DC

EN 15273-1. Railway applications. Gauges. Part 1. Generalities. Common rules for infrastructure and rolling stock

BSI Group, 08/30/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
WI 00256152
EN 13232-3:2003
prEN 13232-9:2003
EN 13848-1
EN 14067
prEN 14363
prEN 14752
prEN 50367
CEN/TC 256/WG 21
E DIN 27505
ENV 12299
UIC 505-4:1977
UIC 505-5:1977
UIC 506:1987
UIC 606-1:1987
UIC 608:2003
UIC 741:1993

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