• BS 06/30155788 DC

BS 06/30155788 DC

BS EN 13297. Textile floor coverings. Classification of needled pile floor coverings

BSI Group, 09/08/2006

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: EN 984*EN 985:2001*EN 986:2005*EN 994 *EN 995*EN 1269*EN 1318*EN 1471*EN 1814*EN 1963:1997*EN 14041*prCEN/TS 14159 *prEN 15115*EN ISO 105-A01*ISO 105-A01:1994 *EN ISO 105-B02*ISO 105-B02:1994*ISO 105-B02/Amendment 1:1998*EN ISO 105-E01*ISO 105-E01:1994*ISO 105-X12*ISO 105-X12:2001*EN ISO 140-8*ISO 140-8:1997*EN ISO 354*ISO 354:2003*EN ISO 717-2*ISO 717-2:1996*EN ISO 845*ISO 845:1988*EN ISO 11378-2*ISO 11378-2:2001*ISO 1765*ISO 1766*ISO 2424:1992 *ISO 2551*ISO 6356*ISO 8302*ISO 8543 *ISO 10361*ISO 10965*EN 685:2005*EN 1307:2005*CEN/TS 14472-1*CEN/TS 14472-2*prCEN/TS 15398*ISO 3018*96/73/EC*96/74/EC *73/44/EEC*

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