• BS 07/30043554 DC

BS 07/30043554 DC

BS 5385-5. Wall and floor tiling. Part 5. Design and installation of terrazzo, natural stone and agglomerated stone tiles and slabs. Code of practice

BSI Group, 06/07/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: BS 747*BS 1521*BS 3892-1*BS 4027 *BS 4483:2005*BS 5268-2*BS 5385-3*BS 5385-4*BS 5974*BS 6100-1*BS 6100-6*BS 6213*BS 6399-1*BS 8000-11.2*BS 8102:1990*BS 8203*BS 8204-1*BS 8204-3:2004*BS 8204-5:2004*BS 8204-7:2003*BS EN 197-1:2000*BS EN 459*BS EN 934-2*BS EN 12002:2002*BS EN 12004:2001*BS EN 12057*BS EN 12058*BS EN 12326-1*BS EN 12878*BS EN 13139:2002*BS EN 13748-1:2004*BS EN 13748-2*BS EN 14647:2005*BS 410-1:2000*BS 1134-1*BS 7976*BS EN 1008*BS EN 12372*BS EN 12440*BS EN 1341:2001*BS EN 14157*BS EN 14231:2003*

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