• BS 07/30065083 DC

BS 07/30065083 DC

BS EN 60027-4. Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology. Part 4. Rotating electric machines

BSI Group, 06/19/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: IEC 60027-1:1992*IEC 60034-1:2004*IEC 60034-2:1972*IEC 60034-4:1985*IEC 60034-9:2003*IEC 60034-12:2002*IEC 60034-17:2002*IEC 60034-20-1:2002*IEC 60034-26:2006*IEC 60050-101:1998 *IEC 60050-111:1996*IEC 60050-121:1998*IEC 60050-131:2002*IEC 60050-151:2001*IEC 60050-411:1996 *IEC 61986:2002*

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