• BS 07/30092995 DC

BS 07/30092995 DC

BS EN ISO 19901-3. Petroleum and natural gas industries. Specific requirements for offshore structures. Part 3. Topsides structure

BSI Group, 06/19/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: ISO 2631-1*ISO 3506*ISO 6897*ISO 13702*ISO 19900*ISO 19901*ISO 19901*ISO 19901*ISO 19902*ISO 19903*ISO 19904*ISO 19905*ENV 1993-1-1:1992*NS 3472*BS 5950*CISC/CSA-S16*BS 5400*ENV 1991-2:2000*API RP 14J:1993*API RP2A-LRFD:1993*API RP 75:1998*API RP2A-WSD:1999*

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