• BS 07/30113046 DC

BS 07/30113046 DC

BS IEC 62320-2. Maritime navigation and radio communications equipment and systems. Automatic identification systems (AIS). Part 2. AIS AtoN stations. Minimum operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results

BSI Group, 01/11/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: IEC 60945*IEC 61108-1*IEC 61108-2*IEC 61108-4*IEC 61162-1*IEC 62287-1*ISO/IEC 3309 *IMO Resolution A.694(17):1991*IALA Recommendation A. 126*IMO Resolution MSC.74(69)*IMO Resolution A. 815(19):1995*IMO Resolution MSC.140(76)*ITU-R Recommendation M.489-2*ITU-R Recommendation M.1371*

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