• BS 07/30113225 DC

BS 07/30113225 DC

BS ISO 21220. Particulate air filters for general ventilation. Determination of the filtration performance

BSI Group, 03/05/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: ASHRAE 52.2:1999*EN 779:2002*EN 1822-1*EN ISO 5167-1:1995*ISO 5167-1:1991*IEST-RP-CC001. 4:2005*IEST-RP-014:2006*ISO 2854*ISO 12103-1 *ISO/DIS 21501-4*ASME MFC-3M-1985*ASTM-F328-98 *ASTM-F649-80*EN 779:2002*EN 1822-3*ISO 14644-3*JACA-37:2001*JIS Z 8901:2006*NT VVS 117:1998*

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