• BS 07/30127278 DC

BS 07/30127278 DC

BS ISO 9370. Plastics. Instrumental determination of radiant exposure in weathering tests. General guidance and basic test method

BSI Group, 02/12/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: ASTM G 90*ASTM G 130*ASTM G 138*ASTM G 183*ISO 9059:1990*ISO 9060:1990*ISO 9846:1993*ISO 9847:1992*EN 13032-1*ASTM E 816 *ASTM E 824*ASTM G 7*ASTM G 24*ASTM G 90 *ASTM G 113*ASTM G 130*ASTM G 138*ASTM G 151*ASTM G 152*ASTM G 153*ASTM G 154*ASTM G 155*ASTM G 183*ISO 4892-1*ISO 4892-2 *ISO 4892-3*ISO 4892-4*ISO 11341*ISO 11507*

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