• BS 07/30146204 DC

BS 07/30146204 DC

BS ISO 15856. Space systems. Space environment. Simulation guidelines for radiation exposure of non-metallic materials

BSI Group, 04/30/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: IEC 544*ISO 15390*ASTM E 490*ASTM E 512*ASTM E 349*ASTM E 491*ASTM E 170*ASTM E 1027*ASTM E 1420*ESA PSS-01-702*ESA PSS-01-704*ESA PSS-01-706*GOST 9.706*GOST 9. 711*GOST 25645.321*GOST 25645.323*GOST 25645. 331*GOST R 25645.332*GOST R 25645.338*GOST R 50109*

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