• BS 07/30160790 DC

BS 07/30160790 DC

BS EN 15632-1. District heating pipes. Pre-insulated flexible pipe systems. Part 1. Classification, general requirements and test methods

BSI Group, 03/19/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: EN 253*EN 728*EN 744*EN 1295-1*EN 1605*EN 1606*EN 12085*EN 12667*EN 13941*EN 14419*EN 60811-4-1*EN ISO 6964*EN ISO 8497*EN ISO 9967*EN ISO 9969*EN ISO 16871*ISO 16770*ISO/DIS 23993*IEC 60811-4-1 *ISO 8497*ISO 9967*ISO 9969*

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