• BS 07/30160845 DC

BS 07/30160845 DC

BS EN 1332-3. Identification card systems. Man-machine interface. Part 3. Key pads

BSI Group, 02/09/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: EN 1332-1*ISO 9241-4:1998*ISO/IEC 9995-1:1994*ISO/IEC 9995-4:2002*ISO/IEC 9995-6:1996 *ISO 9564-1:2002*CEN TS 15291:2006*EBS 100 V3:2004*EN 29241*ETSI ES 201 381:1998*ETR 345:1997*ETSI DTR/HF 02009:1996*ETSI TCR-TR 023:1994 *IEC 73:1990*ISO DIS 9355-2:1999*ISO/CD 9355-1:1999*ISO/IEC 9995:1994*ITU E161*ITU-T E. 902:1995*

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