• BS 07/30161895 DC

BS 07/30161895 DC

BS EN 15649-1. Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water. Part 1. Classification, materials, general requirements and test methods

BSI Group, 04/04/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: EN 71-1:2005*EN 13138-1*EN 13138-2*prEN 13138-3:2005*EN 14960*EN 20105-A02*ISO 105-A2:1993*EN 20105-A03*ISO 105-A03:1993*EN ISO 105-E03:1996*ISO 105-E03:1994*EN ISO 105-E04 *ISO 105-E04:1994*EN ISO 105-X12*ISO 105-X12:2001*EN ISO 868*ISO 868:2003*EN ISO 2411*ISO 2411:2000*EN ISO 3696:1995*ISO 3696:1987*ISO 554*EN ISO 6185-1*ISO 6185-1:2001*EN ISO 6185-2*ISO 6185-2:2001*EN ISO 6185-3*ISO 6185-3:2001*ISO 1817*ISO 3011 *ISO 4675*ISO 7619-1*

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