• BS 07/30162636 DC

BS 07/30162636 DC

BS ISO/IEC 17343. Information technology. Corporate telecommunication networks. Signalling interworking between QSIG and SIP. Basic services

BSI Group, 02/15/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: ISO/IEC 11571*ISO/IEC 11572*ISO/IEC 11582 *ECMA-155*ECMA-143*ECMA-165*RFC 2119:1997*RFC 793:1981*RFC 768:1980*RFC 2246:1999*RFC 2327:1998*RFC 2960:2000*RFC 3261:2002*RFC 3262:2002*RFC 3264:2002*RFC 3323:2002*RFC 3325:2002*RFC 791:1981*RFC 2460:1998*RFC 3420:2002*RFC 3311:2002*RFC 3578:2003*ITU-T E.164:1997*

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BS ISO/IEC 17343. Information technology. Corporate telecommunication networks. Signalling interworking between QSIG and SIP. Basic services

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