• BS 07/30162849 DC

BS 07/30162849 DC

BS ISO/IEC 19796-3. Information technology for learning, education and training. Quality. management, assurance and metrics. Part 3. Reference methods and metrics

BSI Group, 05/17/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: ISO 9000:2005*ISO 9001:2000*ISO 9004:2000 *ISO/IEC TR 9126-2:2003*ISO/IEC 14598-1:1999*ISO/IEC TR 15504-1:1998*ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003*ISO/IEC 15939:2002*ISO/IEC 19796-1:2004*IEC 60050-300:2001 *ISO/IEC 19796-1:2007*IEC 60050-300:2001*ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001*ISO/IEC TR 9126-2:2003*ISO/IEC TR 9126-3:2003*ISO/IEC TR 9126-4:2003*ISO 9241-11:1988*ISO 10006:2003*ISO/IEC 14143-1:1998 *ISO/IEC 14143-2:2002*ISO/IEC 14143-1:2002*ISO/IEC 14598-1:1999*ISO/IEC 15288:2002*ISO/IEC TR 15504-1:1998*ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003*ISO/IEC 15939:2002 *ISO/IEC 19796-1:2004*

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