• BS 07/30164617 DC

BS 07/30164617 DC

BS EN 10152. Electrolytically zinc coated cold rolled steel flat products for cold forming. Technical delivery conditions

BSI Group, 06/18/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: EN 10002-1:2001*EN 10020:2000*EN 10021:2006 *EN 10027-1*EN 10027-2*EN 10079:2007*EN 10131*EN 10204:2004*EN ISO 7438*ISO 10113 *ISO 7438:1985*ISO 10275*DIN 1623-2*EN 606*EN 10025*EN 10111*EN 10130*EN 10139 *EN 10149-1*EN 10149-2*EN 10149-3*EN 10268*prEN 10338*

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