• BS 07/30164961 DC

BS 07/30164961 DC

BS EN 61249-4-15. Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Part 4-15. Sectional specification set for prepreg materials, unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards). Epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability (vertical burning test) for lead-free assembly

BSI Group, 04/20/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
IEC 60194:1999
IEC 61189-2:1997
IEC 61249-1
IEC 61249-2-7:2001
IEC 61249-2-8
ISO 9000:2000
ISO 11014-1:1994
ISO 14001:1996

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