• BS 07/30166205 DC

BS 07/30166205 DC

BS ISO 389-9. Acoustics. Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment. Part 9. Preferred test conditions for the determination of reference hearing threshold levels

BSI Group, 05/17/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: ISO 389-1:1998*ISO 389-2*ISO 389-3*ISO 389-6*ISO 389-7*ISO 389-8*ISO 8253-1:1989 *ISO 8253-2*IEC 60318-1*IEC 60318-3*IEC 60318-4*IEC 60318-5*IEC 60318-6*IEC 60645-1:2001*IEC 60645-3:1994*IEC 60645-4*ISO 266*ISO 389-5*

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