• BS 07/30167174 DC

BS 07/30167174 DC

BS EN 61869-2. Instrument transformers. Part 2. Specific requirement for current transformers

BSI Group, 06/07/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References: IEC 61869-1*EC 60044-6:1992*IEC 60038*IEC 60028*IEC 60068-2*IEC 60071-2*IEC 60121 *IEC 60255-22-1*IEC 60455-1*IEC 60565*IEC 60599:1978*IEC 60660*IEC 60664-1*IEC 60869*IEC 60943*IEC 61000*IEC 61000-4-4*IEC 61000-4-5*IEC 61000-4-8*IEC 61000-4-10*IEC 61000-4-11*IEC 61000-4-12*IEC 61000-4-13*IEC 61000-4-29*IEC 61109*IEC 61109/Amd1*IEC 61161*IEC 61181*IEC 61462*IEC 62262*IEC 62271-001*IEC 62271-100*CISPR 11*CISPR 16-1 *CISPR 18-2*

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