• BS 08/30043515 DC

BS 08/30043515 DC

BS 5385-1. Wall and floor tiling. Part 1. Design and installation of ceramic and natural stone and mosaic wall tiling in normal internal conditions. Code of practice

BSI Group, 02/18/2008

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
BS 6100-1
BS ISO 6707-1
BS 6100-6
BS EN 197-1
BS 410-1
ISO 3310-1
BS 915-2
BS 4027
BS 4551
BS 5385-4
BS 5974
BS 6150
BS 6213
BS 8000-3:2001
BS 8000-11.1
BS 8000-11.2
BS 8212
BS 8481
BS EN 1008
BS EN 12004:2001
BS EN 12620
BS EN 12811-1
BS EN 13139:2002
BS EN 13279-1:2005
BS EN 13888:2002
BS EN 13914-2
BS EN 14188-1:2004
BS EN 14188-2:2004
BS EN 14188-3:2005
BS EN 14411:2006
BS EN ISO 10545-12
PD 6682-1:2003
BS EN 12620
PD 6682-3:2003
BS EN 13139
BS 5385-3 BS 5385-5 BS EN ISO 9000

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