• BS 08/30140202 DC

BS 08/30140202 DC

BS 8103-3. Structual design of low-rise buildings. Part 3. Code of practice for timber floors and roofs for housing

BSI Group, 11/03/2008

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
BS 1202-1
BS 1210
BS 1297
BS 4072
BS 4190
BS 4320
BS 4978
BS 5268-2:2002+A1:2007
BS 5268-3
BS 5534
BS 5628-3
BS 5707
BS 6100-3
BS 6229
BS 6399
BS 8103-1:1995+A1:1995
BS 8103-2
BS EN 300
BS EN 312
BS EN 336
BS EN 338
BS EN 636
BS EN 845-1
BS EN 912
BS EN 1912
BS EN 1991-1-3
BS EN 13556
BS EN 13986
BS EN 14081-1:2005
BS EN 15228
BS EN ISO 3166-1
BS 1282
BS 5268-5
BS 5268-7.1
BS 5268-7.2
BS 5268-7.3
BS 5268-7.4
BS 5268-7.5
BS 5268-7. 6
BS 5268-7.7
BS 6399-2
BS 6399-3
BS 8747
BS EN 14081-1:2005
NA to BS EN 1993-1-3

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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