• BS 08/30180947 DC

BS 08/30180947 DC

BS EN ISO 14713-1. Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures. Zinc coatings. Part 1. General principles of design and corrosion resistance

BSI Group, 04/22/2008

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
ISO 1461
ISO 2063
ISO 2064
ISO 8044
ISO 9223
ISO 9224
ISO 9226
ISO 9227
ISO 10684
ISO 11303
ISO 11844-1
ISO 12683
ISO 12944-5
ISO 14713
EN 13811
EN 10025-6
EN 100831
EN 10240
EN 10326
EN 12329
EN 12502-1
EN 12502-3
EN 13438
prEN 15520-3
EN 10025-2:2004
EN 10080:2005
ISO 14657
ASTM A 780-01d
ASTM B 117
ASTM G85-02g
ASTM B368-97(2003)

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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