• BS 08/30184522 DC

BS 08/30184522 DC

BS ISO 2129. Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS). Indication of dimensions and tolerances. Mechanical engineering drawings

BSI Group, 06/20/2008

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
ISO 129-1:2001
ISO 286-1
ISO 1101:2004
ISO/R 1938:1971
ISO 13715:200
ISO 14405
ISO 14569
ISO 14660-1:1999
ISO 14660-2:1999
ISO/TS 17450-1
ISO/TS 17450-2:2002
ISO 5458
ISO 5459
ISO/TR 14638
ISO 14253-1
ISO/TS 14253-2
ISO 81714-1

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