• BS 08/30185641 DC

BS 08/30185641 DC

BS EN 60728-1-2. Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services. Part 1-2. Performance requirements for signals delivered at the system outlet in operation (TA 5)

BSI Group, 07/09/2008

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
IEC 60050-705
IEC 60050-712
IEC 60050-725
IEC 60728-1
IEC 60728-1-1
IEC 60728-3
IEC 60728-10
IEC 60966-2-4
IEC 61169-2
IEC 60966-2-5
IEC 61169-2
IEC 60966-2-6
IEC 61169-24
ISO/IEC 13818-1
ITU-R BT.500
ITU-R BT. 655
ITU-T J.61
ITU-T J.63
ETSI EN 300-421
ETSI EN 300-429
ETSI EN 300-473
ETSI EN 300-744
ETSI EN 302-307

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