• BS 08/30187544 DC

BS 08/30187544 DC

BS EN 13765. Thermoplastic multi-layer (non-vulcanized) hoses and hose assemblies for the transfer of hydrocarbons, solvents and chemicals. Specification

BSI Group, 10/07/2008

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
EN 590
EN 10088-3
EN 10088-3:2005
EN ISO 1043-1
ISO 1043-1:2001
EN ISO 1402
ISO 1402:2008
EN ISO 1746
ISO 1746:1998
EN ISO 2411
ISO 2411:2000
EN ISO 4671
ISO 4671:1999
EN ISO 4672
ISO 4672:1997
EN ISO 7233
ISO 7233:1991
EN ISO 8031
ISO 8031:1993
EN ISO 8330
ISO 8330:2007
ISO 209
ISO 1817
EN 27326

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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