• BS 09/30186154 DC

BS 09/30186154 DC

BS ISO 11323. Iron ore and direct-reduced iron. Vocabulary

BSI Group, 04/14/2009

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
ISO 565:1990
ISO 3310-1:2000
ISO 3310-2:1999
ISO 2596
ISO 2597-1
ISO 3086
ISO 3271
ISO 3852
ISO 4695
ISO 4696-1
ISO 4696-2
ISO 4698
ISO 4700
ISO 5416
ISO 5725-2
ISO 7215
ISO 7335
ISO 7764
ISO 7992
ISO 8263
ISO 8371
ISO 9035
ISO 9507
ISO 9517
ISO 11256
ISO 11257
ISO 11258
ISO 13930
ISO 15967
ISO 15968
ISO Guide 30

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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