• BS 09/30192733 DC

BS 09/30192733 DC

BS EN 15643-1. Sustainability of construction works. Assessment of buildings. Part 1. General framework

BSI Group, 02/03/2009

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
ISO 15392:2008
ISO 15686-1
ISO 15686-2:2001
ISO 15686-7:2007
ISO 15686-8
ISO/TS 15686-9
prEN 15643-2
prEN 15804
WI 00350011
WI 00350003
WI 00350005
WI 00350006
WI 00350007
WI 00350008
WI 00350009
ISO 6707-1:2004
ISO 6707-2:1993
EN ISO 13790
EN ISO 13792
ISO 13792:2005
ISO 14025
ISO 15686-5:2008
ISO/CD 15686-10:2008
ISO 16813
ISO 16814
ISO/DIS 21931:2008
EN 12464-1
EN 13032
EN 13465
EN 15193
EN 15217
prEN 15232
EN 15241
EN 15242
EN 15243
EN 15251
EN 15316-3
EN 15603
CEN/TR 15615
ISO IEC Guide 73

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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