• BS 09/30205579 DC

BS 09/30205579 DC

BS EN 15221-6. Facility management. Part 6. Area and Space Measure

BSI Group, 10/22/2009

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF




Cross References:
EN 15221-1
ISO 6707-1
EN 15221-2
prEN 15221-3
prEN 15221-4
prEN 15221-5
prEN 15221-6
DIN 277-1
DIN 277-2
DIN 277-3
DS 13000
ISO 9836
NBN B 06-002
NEN 2580
SIA 416,
SS 021053
UNI 10915

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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